For more information please call (877)245-3237
With only a name, address, and zip code, RealTAG™ will tell you more about your clients than you've ever known before! Take the Virtual Tour
In 5 seconds, RealTAG will tell you: |
Verify home ownership | |
Identify the homeowner(s) | |
When did they buy, and how much did they pay? | |
What is their likelihood to buy / sell | |
What is their estimated household income? | |
What is the current value of their home, (high value AVM solution) | |
What does the home look like via satellite photo? | |
What is their equity position? | |
What loans are against the property? (date & amount) | |
What is the home’s size, spec’s, tax and school district? | |
What are the recent sales in the area? | |
Check for foreclosure on the property | |
Check surrounding neighborhood for foreclosures | |
Provide an easy to use “light CRM” to capture prospects | |
Call today to get RealTAG FREE for 15 days! 877-245-3237