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With only a name, address, and zip code, RealTAG™ will tell you more about your clients than you've ever known before! Take the Virtual Tour

In 5 seconds, RealTAG will tell you:

Verify home ownership Yes
Identify the homeowner(s) Yes
When did they buy, and how much did they pay? Yes
What is their likelihood to buy / sell Yes
What is their estimated household income? Yes
What is the current value of their home, (high value AVM solution) Yes
What does the home look like via satellite photo? Yes
What is their equity position? Yes
What loans are against the property? (date & amount) Yes
What is the home’s size, spec’s, tax and school district? Yes
What are the recent sales in the area? Yes
Check for foreclosure on the property Yes
Check surrounding neighborhood for foreclosures Yes
Provide an easy to use “light CRM” to capture prospects Yes


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Call today to get RealTAG FREE for 15 days!  877-245-3237

Copyright © 2009 - All Rights Reserved - RealTAG is the first real-time lead qualification tool built specifically for the Real-Estate industry.