(866) 413-3083

Mortgage Lenders: Qualify Your Borrower's Property in 5 Seconds, For Free

Smart Lending Starts with Smart Loan Officers!

Mortgage Lenders: Don't spend a dime on any borrower until you confirm that there's a loan there! RealTAG can qualify the property while you introduce yourself!

Enter the property street address and RealTAG returns:

  • Real time high, middle and low AVM values!
  • All current lien positions
  • Estimated Income
  • Lien History
  • Comps, property report...and much, much more!
Real TAG

RealTAG is the ONLY solution that delivers banking level, accurate data on your brower's collateral - in Real Time!

In Fact, we're so confident that RealTAG will change the way that you work and your leads AND qualify borrowers, we're giving it away for free for a limited time!

Real TAG

The RealTAG Difference

Our unique data is the key to everything we do. Simply input the name and current address of your prospect, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know to work with them effectively, including over 271 points of data to give you a clear, concise overall financial view of your prospect.

Request Your Free Trial!